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Wednesday 13 October 2010

DeAndre Tunstall, ringleader of the renegade Second Line street gang. : The rise of a violent Sarasota gang |

10:24 | ,

Newtown's Second Line: The rise of a violent Sarasota gang | "Someone yelled 'Get down!' and a bullet came so close Anderson could hear it hiss through the air. He was carrying a large black bag, and as two more shots rang out he dropped it and ran for cover, sprinting around the corner of a house.
Anderson, a barber, watched the robbers rummage through the bag that contained the tools of his trade -- scissors, razors and several dozen pairs of electric trimmers.
Anderson recognized the tallest one as DeAndre Tunstall, ringleader of the renegade Second Line street gang. Tunstall's face was mostly uncovered by the loose mask, as if he wanted Anderson to know who was taking his money"

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