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Sunday, 30 May 2010


Posted On 23:25 0 comments

BLACK STREET GANG TARGETS LATINOS FOR MURDER « THE MILLSTONE DIARIES: "19-year-old Arsenio Morgan allegedly murdered Salvador Soliz, 18 and Ramiro Sanchez, 16 to gain membership into the 1200 Blocc Crips, a violent street gang.“He was given instructions that he needed to kill somebody, and if that person happened to be Latino, more the better.”—Rod Pacheco, Riverside County District AttorneyMorgan allegedly fired into a group of kids playing in the...

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Dudus Coke's main US operations are in the Bronx and Queens

Posted On 20:26 0 comments

Dudus Coke's main US operations are in the Bronx and Queens. Jamaican businessmen are said to have flown into the US with drugs and purchased guns here to send back to Jamaica for the Shower Posse. In Kingston, Coke is seen by many as a better caretaker than the government, and the Guardian reports that protesters were carrying signs in the capital that read "Jesus died for us. We will die for Dudus."Dudus Coke is still on the run, but the Daily...

Christopher Dudus Coke: Who Is the Jamaica Drug Lord - The Daily Beast

Posted On 20:14 0 comments

Christopher Dudus Coke: Who Is the Jamaica Drug Lord - The Daily Beast: "Twenty years ago, American authorities had Jamaica's most feared drug lord in their hands. In 1988, the aptly named Christopher Coke, aka 'Dudus,' was convicted of possession of stolen property in North Carolina. But instead of being sent to an American prison, he was deported to Jamaica. Since his return to the island, Dudus has cultivated an almost messianic following among...

Christopher Dudus Coke: Who Is the Jamaica Drug Lord - The Daily Beast

Posted On 20:14 0 comments

Christopher Dudus Coke: Who Is the Jamaica Drug Lord - The Daily Beast: "Twenty years ago, American authorities had Jamaica's most feared drug lord in their hands. In 1988, the aptly named Christopher Coke, aka 'Dudus,' was convicted of possession of stolen property in North Carolina. But instead of being sent to an American prison, he was deported to Jamaica. Since his return to the island, Dudus has cultivated an almost messianic following among...

The Associated Press: Mexico offers rewards for 33 drug gang suspects

Posted On 09:31 0 comments

The Associated Press: Mexico offers rewards for 33 drug gang suspects: "Juan Pablo Ledezma, is believed to be the head of La Linea, said the official, who is with the joint army and police operation in charge of security in Chihuahua. He agreed to discuss the list only on condition of not being quoted by name, because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.A turf battle between the Juarez and Sinaloa drug cartels has turned Ciudad...

Friday, 28 May 2010

Grandmother: Teen killed by gang members - News -

Posted On 08:51 0 comments

Grandmother: Teen killed by gang members - News - "Donald Troutman died from a gunshot wound to the right buttock, according to the Clark County coroner's office.Della Jerkins-Chaney, 51, said Troutman was killed after a fight with a member of the HTO gang. Troutman had recently played basketball against the gang member's younger brother, she said, and was jumped by the gang while walking home.'He was on his way home and they jumped...

Police: Gang war behind Lake Calhoun killing |

Posted On 08:48 0 comments

Police: Gang war behind Lake Calhoun killing | "man shot to death Monday night in an ambush along a scenic city bike path was the latest victim in a gang war responsible for numerous shootings this year, police said Tuesday.The killing of Derrick Gregory Martin, 20, happened along a popular stretch of the Lake Calhoun shoreline used daily by bicyclists, runners and in-line skaters.'It was a close call,' said Inspector Eddie Frizell,...

Winnipeg police vow increased presence after teen dies in gang shooting

Posted On 08:38 0 comments

Winnipeg police vow increased presence after teen dies in gang shooting: "Kyle Stephen Earl, 16, was killed in a daylight shooting Tuesday afternoon.His friend Byron Cook, 13, was also hit but survived the attack.Earl, who was affiliated with the Indian Posse street gang, was sitting outside a home when he was shot. Justice sources told the Winnipeg Free Press earlier this week the death points to mounting gang tensions in the cit...

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

West End shooting may be a targeted gang-related attack: police - Winnipeg Free Press

Posted On 21:52 0 comments

West End shooting may be a targeted gang-related attack: police - Winnipeg Free Press: "shooting that killed a teenaged boy in the city's West End neighbourhood Tuesday afternoon was possibly a targeted, gang-related attack, Winnipeg police said today.Const. Jason Michalyshen said two suspects arrived at a Toronto Street residence just before 3 p.m. Tuesday, then shot at the two boys, aged 13 and 16. The older boy suffered gun shot wounds to his...

44 Dead in Jamaican Gunbattles | Americas | English

Posted On 21:50 0 comments

44 Dead in Jamaican Gunbattles | Americas | English: "alleged leader of the 'Shower Posse,' named for the practice of showering rivals with bullets during the cocaine wars of the 1980s, has not been found. The unrest has forced the closure of schools and businesses across the capital, and a state of emergency remains in effect for parts of Kingston. The United States issued a travel alert to warn citizens against visiting the island nation. Jamaican...

BBC News - Jamaica shoot-out death toll 'rises to 44'

Posted On 21:48 0 comments

BBC News - Jamaica shoot-out death toll 'rises to 44': "44 people have died during fighting between police and gunmen in the current anti-drug offensive in Kingston, Jamaica's ombudsman says. The city has seen days of running battles between security forces and fighters loyal to a suspected drug trafficker sought by the US. The whereabouts of alleged drug lord Christopher 'Dudus' Coke is unknow...

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Cash blurs organized crime lines as gangsters change sides frequently |

Posted On 18:10 0 comments

Cash blurs organized crime lines as gangsters change sides frequently | "known member of the Red Scorpions gang, he said the same person was picked up in a combined forces operation against the Hell’s Angels months earlier in Vancouver.It’s not about how long a criminal is with one gang, it’s about what they can do for business, according to MacDonald.“What can you do to ensure my product arrives where it needs to...

Cops: Gang member stabbed during West Main Street altercation

Posted On 11:14 0 comments

Cops: Gang member stabbed during West Main Street altercation: "Philippe Robinette, 26, of Akron, Ohio stabbed 30-year-old Riverhead resident Brian Castillo three times at around 1 p.m. Monday after Mr. Castillo, a self-professed Latin King gang member, confronted Mr. Robinette, whom he believed to be a member of a rival gang, police said.What started as a verbal altercation outside the Seafield Center substance abuse center, with Mr. Castillo cursing...

Gangs Reportedly Growing in Mountain State - WVNS-TV -

Posted On 11:12 0 comments

Gangs Reportedly Growing in Mountain State - WVNS-TV - "linked 24 gangs to West Virginia. That includes white supremacy groups, outlaw motorcycle gangs, and perhaps the most dangerous of the group: street gangs. Detective Jim Sizemore, with the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department, says it’s a problem that must be stopped before it grows. “What we’re seeing is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Sizemore. 'We’ve got a presence of gangs...

The Press Association: Forces battle wanted leader's gang

Posted On 10:35 0 comments

The Press Association: Forces battle wanted leader's gang: "More than 1,000 police and soldiers have raided a public housing complex in Jamaica occupied by heavily armed gangsters defending an alleged drug lord wanted by the US.In a major offensive in the heart of West Kingston's ramshackle slums, security forces broke through barbed-wire barricades and fought their way into the warren-like Tivoli Gardens neighbourhood on Monday night.Sporadic gunfire...

Jamaican police storm gangster’s complex - The Boston Globe

Posted On 10:33 0 comments

Jamaican police storm gangster’s complex - The Boston Globe: "Security forces fought their way into the warren-like complex that is the slum stronghold of a Jamaican gang leader facing extradition to the United States and sporadic gunfire could be heard late into last night.More than 1,000 police officers and soldiers attacked heavily armed gang members defending the West Kingston base of Christopher “Dudus’’ Coke, who has been indicted in the United...

Monday, 24 May 2010

News - Crime & Courts: Police prepare for bloody gang backlash (Page 1 of 2)

Posted On 19:05 0 comments

News - Crime & Courts: Police prepare for bloody gang backlash (Page 1 of 2): "Cops are bracing themselves for an all-out street war in the wake of an alleged gang boss' fatal shooting this weekend.Police have already called for reinforcements and are preparing for a bloody gang backlash.This follows the dramatic shootout between cops and alleged gang boss Gert 'Mfo' Solomons, 63, in Hanover Park at the weekend.Cops fear the shooting may shatter...

Three Texas Mexican Mafia Members Convicted on Racketeering Charges - 7thSpace Interactive

Posted On 08:54 0 comments

Three Texas Mexican Mafia Members Convicted on Racketeering Charges - 7thSpace Interact...

Friday, 21 May 2010

The Associated Press: Northern Mexico shootouts kill 2 police, 7 gunmen

Posted On 09:49 0 comments

The Associated Press: Northern Mexico shootouts kill 2 police, 7 gunmen: "Gunbattles between security forces and armed attackers have killed nine people in two states along the U.S. border, Mexican authorities said Thursday.The Navy says four attackers died in a gunbattle between marines and members of the Zetas drug gang in the town of San Carlos, in the border state of Tamaulipas. The Navy said in a press statement that a convoy of vehicles opened...

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

92 Family Swans, affiliates of the Bloods,Gang leader faces possible life sentence after murder of gang member he thought was gay -

Posted On 07:46 0 comments

Gang leader faces possible life sentence after murder of gang member he thought was gay - "Timothy E. Rawlings Jr. was found guilty Friday of first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder and two hate crimes in the death two years ago of Steven Parrish, 18. Parrish had been stabbed and beaten, a red bandanna left over his face.Prosecutors said that Rawlings, a leader of the so-called 92 Family Swans, affiliates of the Bloods,...

Mexican Mafia attacks taking place in Valley towns | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street

Posted On 07:44 0 comments

Mexican Mafia attacks taking place in Valley towns | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street: "One night in early April, Bobby Leal, Israel Banda, Abraham Serna and another unidentified suspect put a gun to someone’s head, beat and stabbed him repeatedly, then left him for dead in front of the Harlingen Sports Complex.Roughly one week later, violence broke out...

Monday, 17 May 2010

American Jason Palmer Killed By Killer Beez Gang Member « E2NZ

Posted On 01:48 0 comments

American Jason Palmer Killed By Killer Beez Gang Member « E2NZ: "Ex US Marine Corp member Jason Palmer has been named as the prison officer killed by an inmate at Spring Hill prison in the Waikato. Mr Palmer died from his injuries after an assault that took place on May 15 2010.Members of the Trademe message boards have talked about under-staffing being a problem at the prisonSources have told reporters at the Dominion Post that the man responsible...

Friday, 14 May 2010

U.S. gangs, Mexican drug traffickers linked

Posted On 08:52 0 comments

U.S. gangs, Mexican drug traffickers linked: "Mexican drug traffickers need someone killed or kidnapped, or drugs distributed in the United States, they increasingly call on American subcontractors - U.S.-based prison gangs that run criminal enterprises from behind bars, sometimes even from solitary confinement.Prison gangs have long controlled armies of street toughs on the outside. But in interviews with The Associated Press, authorities say the...

The Ladiis and The Baddest: Minneapolis girl gangs call a truce - Minneapolis - Slideshows

Posted On 08:49 0 comments

The Ladiis and The Baddest: Minneapolis girl gangs call a truce - Minneapolis - Slideshows: "The Ladiis and were known as one of the toughest female cliques on Minneapolis’ north side - until Lele died. The Baddest were their rivals until a banquet reunited them in Lele's na...

The Associated Press: Police find bodies of 7 men in northern Mexico

Posted On 08:47 0 comments

The Associated Press: Police find bodies of 7 men in northern Mexico: "pile of five bodies has been found in a northern city near the U.S. border and two other corpses were discovered nearby.The seven dead are all apparently young men who were shot or tortured to death.The Chihuahua state attorney general's office says two men were found dead early Wednesday with their heads bound in duct tape in Nuevo Casas Grandes.Five more bodies bearing signs...

Ex-Mexican Mafia hit men detail gruesome gang killings | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Posted On 08:41 0 comments

Ex-Mexican Mafia hit men detail gruesome gang killings | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle: "Three former Texas Mexican Mafia hit men engaged in a matter-of-fact, business-like tone Thursday as they described for federal jurors their participation in five San Antonio slayings.Onetime mafia sergeant Ricardo Saenz said he agreed to testify against three high-ranking members who were once his bosses because he's seen too many...

Thursday, 13 May 2010

New Mexico bounty hunter stands indicted for the murder of a Plainview man.

Posted On 21:50 0 comments

Police there say on February 9th, Jarrod Flaming, a 41-year-old bounty hunter, and another man went to an apartment in Plainview to try to take 31-year-old Dereck Graves into custody for a drug warrant in Potter County. Police say Graves jumped out of a back window of an apartment and ran down an alley, where he was shot with a nine millimeter handgun.Police add that Flaming did not have a license in Texas to act as a bounty hunter in this sta...

Summit County gang raid nets Surenos suspects - Salt Lake Tribune

Posted On 20:42 0 comments

Summit County gang raid nets Surenos suspects - Salt Lake Tribune: "four documented members of the often violent Mexican-American street gang were taken into custody Wednesday night at the Canyon Creek Apartments in Snyderville Basin. The raid, which included an unspecified number of sheriff's deputies, Utah Highway Patrol troopers, Park City police and Metro Gang Unit officers, also nabbed two suspects with records of being Sureños affiliates, as...

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

El Blog del Narco

Posted On 08:47 0 comments

El Blog del Narco: "Jose Gerardo Alvarez Vazquez, 'El Indio' or 'Chayanne' the Wednesday was his fourth arrest.The most recent arrest was on Wednesday in La Herradura and occurs 13 years after the first, when he had served on the Amezcua cartel, the Carrillo Fuentes and the Beltran...

El Blog del Narco

Posted On 08:43 0 comments

El Blog del Narco: "Dagoberto Jimenez Díaz de León, 'El Cantante', considered the main operator for the transfer of drug kingpin who led Gerardo Alvarez Vazquez, 'El Indio', was arrested by federal police in this capital, along with an accomplice originally from Chile.Small Ramón...

Mohave Daily News > News > Local > Montoya appealing 2009 sentence

Posted On 08:14 0 comments

Mohave Daily News > News > Local > Montoya appealing 2009 sentence: "Leroy Montoya, 44, was convicted in March 2009 of one count each of criminal damage, fraudulent schemes and artifices, participating in a street gang and a misdemeanor charge of engaging in contracting without a license. He was acquitted of first-degree trespassing and another count of criminal damage.Superior Court Judge Lee Jantzen sentenced Montoya in April 2009 to 26...

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

‘Operation Groundhog’ roots out 45 suspected gang members in Watsonville | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street

Posted On 07:52 0 comments

‘Operation Groundhog’ roots out 45 suspected gang members in Watsonville | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street: "Forty-three suspected gang members have been arrested and two others are wanted after a year-long investigation into a violent Sureno street gang in Watsonville.Operation Groundhog” rooted out the Poorside gang, an organization of about 200 gang...

‘Operation Groundhog’ roots out 45 suspected gang members in Watsonville | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street

Posted On 07:48 0 comments

‘Operation Groundhog’ roots out 45 suspected gang members in Watsonville | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street: "Forty-three suspected gang members have been arrested and two others are wanted after a year-long investigation into a violent Sureno street gang in Watsonville.Operation Groundhog” rooted out the Poorside gang, an organization of about 200 gang...

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Gang member guilty in Sacramento deputy’s slaying | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street

Posted On 10:14 0 comments

Gang member guilty in Sacramento deputy’s slaying | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street: "Three jurors interviewed by The Bee – all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity, in fear of street gang retaliation – described the evidence against Siackasorn as “overwhelming.” They said there was ample evidence he knew he was being chased by a deputy.The foreman of...

Scotland's top cop vows to step up his war on gangsters by grabbing their ill-gotten gains | News Of The World

Posted On 10:11 0 comments

Scotland's top cop vows to step up his war on gangsters by grabbing their ill-gotten gains | News Of The World: "warned wannabe gangsters they face a grim existence if they decide to follow the likes of slain thug Kevin 'Gerbil' Carroll, 29, into a life of crime. The Daniel crime clan enforcer was gunned down in January in an Asda supermarket car park in Robroyston, Glasgow, where he was supposed to be meeting an associate. House explained: 'I think...

The Associated Press: Mexico extradites ex-gov. to US on drug charges

Posted On 10:07 0 comments

The Associated Press: Mexico extradites ex-gov. to US on drug charges: "Mario Villanueva, who was governor of the Caribbean state of Quintana Roo from 1993 to 1999, was turned over to U.S. authorities Saturday at the international airport in Toluca, a city near the Mexican capital, the federal Attorney General's Office said in a statement.Villanueva is the first former governor to be extradited to the U.S. on drug charges.He is charged in New York...

Friday, 7 May 2010

Alleged Crips argue ‘umbrella’ tactic unfair | Crime News - The News Tribune

Posted On 11:19 0 comments

Alleged Crips argue ‘umbrella’ tactic unfair | Crime News - The News Tribune: "criminal conspiracy case against alleged members of the Hilltop Crips street gang withstood assaults from the defendants’ attorneys Thursday. Defense attorneys had asked Pierce County Superior Court Judge Thomas Felnagle to dismiss the conspiracy charge – the crux of the case against the remaining two dozen suspected gang members. Felnagle declined to do that but scheduled...

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Shower Posse arrests not enough - Breaking & Current Jamaica News -

Posted On 19:45 0 comments

Shower Posse arrests not enough - Breaking & Current Jamaica News - "CANADIAN police say the arrests of more than 70 people including alleged members of the Jamaican Shower Posse have failed to prevent street gang activity in that country, reports the Toronto Star.The newspaper quoted critics of law enforcement who said that such operations which cost millions have failed. The operation earlier this week involved 1,000 police...

Teen shot in head in drive-by shooting - Chicago Breaking News

Posted On 19:33 0 comments

Teen shot in head in drive-by shooting - Chicago Breaking News: "drive-by shooting late Sunday night on the Southwest Side has left a 15-year-old boy playing basketball in serious condition with a gunshot wound to the head.The shooting happened at Kedvale Avenue and 82nd Place in the city's Ashburn neighborhood at 11:40 p.m., according to Chicago Police News Affairs Amina Greer. She said the victim was outside with others when the assailants drove...

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

CBC News - Manitoba - Crown seeks 25-year murder sentence for Cansanay

Posted On 20:52 0 comments

CBC News - Manitoba - Crown seeks 25-year murder sentence for Cansanay: "man who shot and killed an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire of a Winnipeg gang war will have to wait two more weeks to learn his fate.Jeffrey Cansanay, 24, was convicted of second-degree murder on Apr. 22 after a long jury trial that began in early March.Phil Haiart, the son of a city surgeon, was 17 when he was killed by bullets fired near the intersection of Sargent...

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Fixing the RCMP

Posted On 08:16 0 comments

Fixing the RCMP: "senior Mountie was forced to admit under oath that he had given a fake memo to defence lawyers in a major drug prosecution -- a memo that hid the fact that Mounties were gathering wiretap evidence improperly. As a result, a year-long investigation into possible drug dealing by Hells Angels bikers has had to be dropped. As many as 30 more cases may be in jeopardy, to...

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Disorganized crime

Posted On 11:58 0 comments

Disorganized crime: "two most notorious groups that have dominated the scene for years, the Hells Angels and the Montreal Mafia, appear to be in disarray and reeling from police investigations of the past four years, which have taken out the leadership of the organizations, both known for maintaining hierarchical systems dependent on the loyalty of a large group of underlings.This has created a scenario in which new players are rising to new prominent...

Forty-six arrested in Fresno County gang sweep - San Jose Mercury News

Posted On 08:57 0 comments

Forty-six arrested in Fresno County gang sweep - San Jose Mercury News: "Dozens of suspected gang members are facing charges after local and federal authorities raided a series of locations in Fresno County. Police say 46 people were arrested as members of a Fresno County gang enforcement team, along with state and federal agents, served 16 search warrants in Selma, Kingsburg and other Fresno County locations Friday morning. During the raids, authorities...

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