Gardai are still trying to establish a motive for why Philip 'Philly' O'Toole was shot at around 12.45am on Thursday in Enniskerry, Co Wicklow.He was taken to St Vincent's Hospital in Dublin after the incident where his condition is described as stable.Sources say that O' Toole (31) is refusing to co-operate with gardai.gunman"He said he would rather die on the side of the road than help gardai with their enquiries," said a source.O'Toole, from Fassaroe...

The northern Mexican city of Monterrey, once a model of industrial prosperity and relatively insulated from the drugs war that has gripped the country for five years, was reeling yesterday after gang members set fire to a two-storey casino in the city's centre killing at least 50...
Officers say the 29-year-old Alberta man was carrying a loaded .45 calibre handgun when he was picked up early Wednesday morning, waiting outside a downtown Kelowna nightclub.Staff Sgt. Terry McLachlan says it appears the man has gang connections in Alberta.He says the suspect remains in custody and will appear in a Kelowna courtroom on Wednesday to face a charge of carrying a restricted weapon.McLachlan says the arrest in the city’s downtown...
A suspect was quickly caught by police. A tactical team happened to be nearby about 7 p.m. Monday and spotted a truck taking off right after at least one shot was fired, busting a large hole in the front window of the home in the 600-block of Langside, Winnipeg police said.Officers chased the truck, which was stolen over the weekend, police said. Minutes later it crashed into another truck at Selkirk Avenue and Aikins Street.The innocent victim,...
Another home has been shot up in Sydney’s west, making it the seventh shooting in six days, but the occupants have chosen not to cooperate with police.Police are also investigating if a fire at a nearby office and warehouse was connected to the drive-by shootings.A home in Francis St, Fairfield, took four bullets to a front wall about 1am (AEST) on Wednesday, a police spokeswoman told AAP.Advertisement: Story continues belowNo one reported the incident...
all-out gang war is erupting in South King County between members of rival Latino street gangs who have a "fight on sight" mentality, raising the potential for violence in public places, according to King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg."We have an awful lot to do to deal with an emerging gang war in South King County," Satterberg said Tuesday. "When they encounter each other — in public or in private — it's likely to turn violent."That's precisely...

Jonathan Bacon wasn't always a bully or thug, say those who knew the notorious gangster back in high school, long before he embarked on a life of crime.He was a mild-mannered youth, they add, a nice kid, an athlete with lots of friends.Today, those same people are scratching their...
Eighth UN gang suspect charged in plot to kill Bacon broth...
private viewing of slain Abbotsford gangster Jonathan Bacon was held on Friday afternoon at Henderson's Funeral Home in Langley.It was announced discretely, and there were about 30 friends and family in attendance.Henderson's management said it has received no information about a funeral for Bacon, and suggested the family may conduct a private ceremony.Henderson's would not confirm media reports that Bacon's body has been cremated.Bacon, a high-profile...
Gang violence didn't soar with the heat this summer the way it did in 1993's "summer of violence," but a June shooting incident on an RTD bus is a clear indication that gangs remain a problem.On June 25, a member of the Crips street gang fired a bullet that narrowly missed an RTD bus passenger after a brawl broke out on an eastbound Route 44 bus about 10:15 p.m., police said.No one was hurt in the incident and police arrested the suspected shooter...

Cameron has declared "all-out war" on gangs, which he blamed for fuelling four nights of frenzied looting and said they were "a major criminal disease that has infected streets and estates across our country".He has hired US "supercop" Bill Bratton to advise on tackling street gangs...

Three men from different gangs who were shot in Kelowna Sunday had formed a criminal alliance they dubbed the Wolf Pack, The Vancouver Sun has learned.The loosely aligned pack consisted of Red Scorpion Jonathan Bacon, who was killed in the brazen public shooting, Hells Angel Larry...

A violent drug-trafficking criminal organization, the Red Scorpions gang was formed about 2000, allegedly by Quang Vinh Le while he was incarcerated in Willingdon Youth Detention Centre.Le was beaten by a group of Korean youths. In response, he called in more than 20 friends to help...
A group of three men were in a residential garage on Wednesday night when a masked attacker approached on foot. He opened fire, hitting one of the men—a 30-year-old—in the abdomen, police say.The attack—the second shooting in Surrey since Monday—took place at around 10:50 p.m. on the 8200-block of 150 Street in Guildford, said RCMP spokesman, Cpl. Drew Grainger.It’s believed that the garage door was open when the shots rang out, Grainger said.The...

“We’re aware that people sense that a gang war is erupting.”In the Monday shooting, a single attacker believed to be on foot shot at a 32-year-old man as many as eight times as he got into a car, but the man escaped with minor injuries from bursting glass, Thiessen said.“Based on...
Police will be watching closely when slain gangster Jonathan Bacon is laid to rest, a spokesman for B.C.'s gang task force said Wednesday.No funeral plans have been announced, but there will be a heavy police presence during the service, said Sgt. Shinder Kirk of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit."There will be police presence for obvious reasons: One, to allow mourners that are attending the service to do so in peace, and the other is...
BIKIE member is expected to be charged over two separate shootings earlier this year.Police raided a house in Wetherill Park, in Sydney's southwest, yesterday.They found three shotguns, three rifles and a large amount of ammunition along with a small amount of cocaine and steroids.Police also seized several pieces of Hells Angels clothing.A 21-year-old man was arrested and taken to Wetherill Park Police Station where he was interviewed before being...
RCMP Sgt. Peter Thiessen said one man suffered minor injuries in the targeted attack around 10: 30 p.m.A 32-year-old man, who is known to police, was getting into the driver's side of an SUV when someone fired six to eight shots into the vehicle, police said. The man was not hit by bullets, but he suffered lacerations from flying glass or debris."At this point, our victim and his associates are unco-operative and, based on their identity and our...
The incident took place around 10:40 p.m. steps from Mirage Nightclub in the Gulidford area.A 32-year-old man, who is known to police, was in his vehicle when someone shot at him. The victim was not hit by bullets, but suffered lacerations from flying glass or debris.Surrey RCMP spokesman Cpl. Drew Grainger said Tuesday that the serious crime unit is investigating, speaking to witnesses and conducting a video canvas.On Tuesday morning, the only signs...

Jonathan Bacon won’t appear in court again, after all. The eldest of three perennially accused, criminally-sanctioned brothers, he was facing trial on more drugs and weapons charges. Then bang, bang, bang. Bullets flew on Sunday. One-third of a notorious fraternal enterprise is gone.Bacon...
Amanda Kay Freeman, 23, was granted bail Monday under strict conditions that include a curfew and a no-contact order regarding members and associates of the Rock Machine gang. Freeman has no previous criminal involvement and spent the past five nights in custody.The Crown wanted to keep her behind bars, saying allowing her back into the community while a biker war is still being waged on the streets would send a terrible message to society."The public...
A spokeswoman says it's too early to entirely rule out any gang connections — two of the victims were known to police — but she took pains to stress that the shooting was not an eruption of a war between the Hells Angels and Rock Machine.“The information that we have right now, it is not definitely connected to any dispute between the outlaw motorcycle gangs,” Const. Natalie Aitken said Monday.“We do have some information that either the victims...
As the aftershocks from last week's violent disorder ripple across Britain, a febrile mood hangs over the nation.The air is filled with tension and anxiety. Explosive controversies are now flaring up over a host of issues, from zero-tolerance policing to public expenditure cuts.Now, the historian Dr David Starkey has sparked a conflagration of his own.During a debate about the disturbances on BBC2's Newsnight, Dr Starkey argued that one of the central...

Jonathan Bacon, the eldest of three alleged British Columbia gangster brothers, is reported to have been killed by masked gunmen wielding assault rifles who fired at a luxury car leaving an upscale Kelowna hotel.The RCMP would only confirm that a man died and five others were injured...
GARDAI have identified the gunman who shot crime boss The Don -- and it is a close pal of one of his victims.Officers believe that an associate of gangster Marlo Hyland -- the gang boss murdered on The Don's orders -- was the hitman who assassinated Eamon Dunne.Suspected of organising 15 murders, gang boss The Don died in a hail of bullets in a Cabra pub in April 2009.The Herald understands that the leading suspect for the killing is a young man...

Seven alleged members and associates of the MS-13 street gang are charged with three slayings and committing other mayhem as part of a racketeering operation that killed, robbed and dealt drugs in Houston, officials said Thursday.The gang, also known as the Mara Salvatrucha, has...
James Lionel Carter, 37, was convicted in June of two counts of murder, three counts of premeditated attempted murder and one count of conspiracy to commit murder for the shooting outside Dr. J's liquor store in southeast San Diego on New Year's Day 2003. In sentencing Carter to multiple life terms, Judge Kenneth So said, "This is the ultimate example of destructive gang violence."Carol Waites, 45, and 32-year-old Sharen Burton were killed in the...
Police in England have been deployed in full force amid fears of a return of the rioting that blighted London and other major cities earlier this week. Arrests continue as courts work overtime to process defendants. Police in London flooded city streets Friday evening in an effort to prevent a weekend repeat of England's worst riots in decades.Some 16,000 officers - instead of the usual 2,500 - were to remain on duty, despite a period...

The suspected gangster shot dead by police was the nephew of a notorious gangland criminal, it has been revealed.Mark Duggan's uncle was Desmond 'Dessie' Noonan whose family used to run Manchester's underworld and featured in a 2005 documentary.Dessie Noonan, a former bouncer, ran...

Children as young as ten looted stores and made off with bottles of wine and Vodka yesterday as fresh violence flared around the UK when parts of the West Midlands and Manchester were hit by copy-cat riots.The children wore tracksuits and innocently disregarded covering their faces...
A murder hunt was launched as police announced that the 26-year-old victim had died after being admitted to hospital.He was discovered in a car suffering from gunshot wounds at about 9.15pm as trouble flared in Croydon, south London, last night.Croydon Council leader Mike Fisher said the cost of last night's rioting in the area would run into millions of pounds.A total of 28 families were made homeless and placed in temporary accommodation but most...
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